Per pixel vs Vertex Lighting

I was curious to what was the better thing these days Per pixel or Vertex lighting.

i’m looking for the best possible solution for image quality but also want decent frame rate (lets say i’m running a geforce 3 or better)

also, if I went the per pixel lighting. Would I have to stick to extensions or I should say how big of a performance difference using core gl functionality vs extensions (concerning per pixel lighting).

and call me an idiot but can you mix vertex lighting and per pixel in the same scene?

oh and while i’m here… i’m trying to make a camera on gl and made a class that relies on gluLookAt… was wondering what would be more efficient to run the camera. gluLookAt or doing the glTranslate/glRotate etc on the world itself? i’m thinking i should get identical results but thought id ask.[edit: added the last paragraph]

thanks in advance

[This message has been edited by glFanatic (edited 02-20-2002).]

i do know too much about this stuff (newbie to opengl as i am)
but as long as i know vertex lighting is the only supported lighting method for opengl
if you want to have per-pixel lighting you have to do it on your own and the article i read about it didn’t look easy to me (meaning reading it once was not enough to really understand how it is done)
btw they used some geforce only features to do this lighting

of course per-pixel lighing gives you much better quality and less speed (compare the number of pixels to the number of vertices you wanne use)

please correct me if i am saying wrong things here

and for the camera i use glulookat but you may have a look at the glu sources if you wanne know how it is implemented

hope it helps

there is another technik for lighting. Face-Lighting. It’s similar to vertex lighting; but it costs less performance than vertex lighting.


Originally posted by bondi:
[b]there is another technik for lighting. Face-Lighting. It’s similar to vertex lighting; but it costs less performance than vertex lighting.


do you mean vertex-lighting and flat-shading or how is it done in opengl?