texturing glaux objects

I have such thing:
i am drawing cylinder using auxSolidCylider and I want to make it textured, but how can I apply texture cooridinates to such objects?
thnx very much for the answer

The glaux library is obsolete and shouldn’t be used anymore.
(hint: with glut you can also draw those ‘predefined’ objects)

You can generate texcoords with glTexGen[b]<datatype>/b - (see this page for more info)

I would not use the glaux library, it is no longer supported. Instead use the GLU and GLUT library’s which have replacement and improved functions that where in the glaux.

For what you want:

gluNewQuadric //setup a data pointer to object data
gluQuadricTexture // create texture mapping info
glCylinder // Draw a Cylinder

You can find an example of this at http://nehe.gamedev.net

Originally posted by Slava:
I have such thing:
i am drawing cylinder using auxSolidCylider and I want to make it textured, but how can I apply texture cooridinates to such objects?
thnx very much for the answer