3D Picking

I’m having trouble picking objects in my 3D world, and I was wondering if someone could point me into the correct direction. The first segment of the code is what draws the pickable objects and the second part is my picking routine which does absolutely nothing at this current moment. Most of the functions should be self explanatory… but the basic setup of this program is that I have a dynamic array of pointers p[i] which holds pointers to pickable objects that can be dynamically created and deleted in the scene. ObjectHolder is another array that basically does the same thing… I don’t remember why I put it in there, but I haven’t changed it as of yet.

// draw the pickable items
// used for both the drawing routine and for
// picking routine
static void
if (objectCount > 0)
// clear the name stack

	for (int i = 0; i < objectCount; i++)
		// it may have been deleted, so check 
		if (objectHolder[i] != -1)


// this is our picking routine
if (button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON && state == GLUT_DOWN && mouseMode == 0)

	// Set viewport to be a 10x10 pixel area around cursor
	// remember to convert y for origin top left vs. bottom left
	GLint viewport[4];
	glGetIntegerv (GL_VIEWPORT, viewport);
	// set viewport to be a 10x10 window around cursor
	gluPickMatrix((GLdouble)x, (GLdouble)y, 10, 10, viewport);
	gluOrtho2D(0, (GLfloat)windowDim, 0, (GLfloat)windowDim);

	// designate buffer for hits
	GLuint nameBuffer[BUFSIZE];
	glSelectBuffer(BUFSIZE, nameBuffer);

	// "draw" in GL_SELECT mode

	// restore original projection

	// return to GL_RENDER and decode hits
	int nhits = glRenderMode(GL_RENDER);

	cout << nhits;

	// iterate over buffer and pick
	int ibuf = 0;	// iterate over whole buffer
	int ihit;		// iterate over the hits
	int ipart;		// iterate over parts within a hit
	int nparts;
	int mindepth;
	int maxdepth;
	int name = -1;

	for (ihit = 0; ihit < nhits; ihit++)
		nparts = nameBuffer[ibuf++];
		mindepth = nameBuffer[ibuf++];
		maxdepth = nameBuffer[ibuf++];

		for (ipart = 0; ipart < nparts; ipart++)
			name = nameBuffer[ibuf++];
			cout << " part " << name << endl;

	// goes through available objects and sees if we
	// have a hit
	if (objectCount > 0 && name != -1)
		for (int i = 0; i < objectCount; i++)
			if (name == p[i]->getId())
				cout << "i: " << i << endl;


Any help is most appreciated.
Thanks in advance

Don’t even bother replying… figured out my own mistakes
