Help: Wireframe toggle button?

I am not an expert on programming, just learning, but I can design maps. Now this is my problem:
I need a button for changing between wireframe and normal mode in an open gl based game, for inspecting bugs in my maps.
Can anyone help me to provide codes for wireframe toggeling, if possible?

By button do you mean keypress of dialog box button?


in keyboard routine

if (key == “X” ) debug_mode = abs(debug_mode - 1); //X toggles debug on/off

in drawing routine:

glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE); Draw only lines no fill
}glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); // normal mode

Originally posted by School kid:
I am not an expert on programming, just learning, but I can design maps. Now this is my problem:
I need a button for changing between wireframe and normal mode in an open gl based game, for inspecting bugs in my maps.
Can anyone help me to provide codes for wireframe toggeling, if possible?

Like I said, I’m no programmer.
But what I’m looking for is both a toggle button, like a or F1, and a hold “to get wireframe button”, wireframe while holding F2 or q.

Is it posible to change into wireframe while running the game?,if not please give me all the commands assosiated with wireframe.

The opengl part of this question has already been answered. Use GL_LINE instead of GL_FILL.

For the keypress you need (in pseudocode) :

// Q or F1 toggles between on/off
if key Q or key F1 is pressed
debug_mode = !debug_mode // toggle

// A or F2 always shows wireframe if held
if key A or key F2 is pressed
debug_mode = true
debug_mode = false


I answered your question, on how to switch between the two modes.
But we are here to help guide you not write your whole program for you.

I think before you even try to do openGL programming, you should at least learn the basics of programming. This way when someone gives you an answer, you will be able to at least have a clue what they are talking about. is a good place to start learning the basics.

Thanks alot, I really appriciate this.
I’m also taking two classes in programming with vbasic next semester.