not opengl, but c++ (collision)

trying to get simple collision detection working… basically want to see if one box is on the of the other…

(dont mind the dots, heh)

the top corners of these are…




and they are sized 32x32

ive been trying something and just cant get it to work and wanted to see if someone could help…

for(int i = box1x; i < box1x+32; i++) {
	for(int j = box1y; j < box1y+32; j++) {

		if(i >= box2x && i <= box2x+32 && j >= box2y && j <= box2y+32) { cout<< "there is a collision"; }


doesnt seem to be working…

what i wanted that ot do is do through every pixel of the one and see if its in the other… any ideas?

[This message has been edited by method5 (edited 03-29-2002).]

my example expanded…

#include <iostream.h>

struct point2d {
	int x;
	int y;

struct rect {
	point2d p1;
	point2d p2;

void main(void) {
	rect temp;
    int size = 32;
	temp.p1.x = 10;
	temp.p1.y = 10;
	temp.p2.x = 40;
	temp.p2.y = 40;

	for(int i = temp.p1.y; i < temp.p1.y+32+1; i++) {
		for(int j = temp.p1.x; j < temp.p1.x+32+1; j++) {
			if(i >= temp.p2.y && i <= temp.p2.y+32) {
				if(j >= temp.p2.x && j <= temp.p2.x+32) { 
					cout<< "there is a collision"<<endl; 

that should not print anything… but it does…

check out
it has tuts in the opengl section on collision detection. Might help out

Because they do overlap.
Box 1 upper left = 10,10
Box 2 upper left = 40,40
Box 1 width = height = 32
Box 1 lower right = 42, 42
Box 2 lower right = 72,72

So box 1 lower right corner is
inside box 2.