very silly question but.....

I have done simple code and whenever I run this it shows message.
I can complie without error but when I try to build up it shows

Error: Unresolved external ‘auxInitDisplayMode’ referenced from c:…
Error: Unresolved external ‘auxInitPosition’ referenced from c:…
Error: Unresolved external ‘auxInitWindow’ referenced from c:…

I used Visual c++ and Borland c++ but none of them are working…

I tried to run demo (I downladed from web site…) then it requires glauximp.dll.

Please, help me…


Looks like you forgot to include a library file. Find some place where you can add the file glaux.lib (or glaux32.lib) to your project.

Try the following:
(1)go to the system or system 32 directory and make sure there is a dll titled glaux.dll or glaux32.lib there.
(2) go to vc++ and open your project. Go to Project->Settings->Link and add the following to the edit box (Object/Library modules):
glaux.lib or glaux32.lib.
(3) you will also have to #include “gl/glaux.h”. Assuming that you have glaux.h in the gl directory undre vc98 include directory.

Good luck