Putting on textures on a WireSphere

I’m trying to apply a texture to a glutWireSphere. Can anyone tell me how to do this? All the stuff i’ve seen uses Quads. I am loading the texture from a BMP file

only glutSolidTeapot & glutWire Teapot have texturing co-ords. You’d have to get openGl to generate the texturing co-ords for you.

I might post a stupid question but how can you texture a wired object ?

I thought only solid objects could be textured ???

Nop, If you want you can also texture wired object provided you have texture coordinates.
You can texture lines with 1D or 2D textures.

Originally posted by garbash:
I’m trying to apply a texture to a glutWireSphere. Can anyone tell me how to do this? All the stuff i’ve seen uses Quads. I am loading the texture from a BMP file

If you use the gluQuadricxxx commands, you can create a sphere, auto-generate the texcoords and normals and flip between solid and wireframe mode quite easily with a call to glPolygonMode.

Otherwise using glut you’ll have to generate the coords yourself.


GLUquadricObj* quadric = gluNewQuadric();

// ...


// ...
