water reflection problem

Hi, I have read a reference talking abt the water reflection in which the procedure is as follows:

  1. Initialize the modelview and projection matrices to the identity (glLoadIdentity).
  2. Set up a projection matrix using the glFrustum command.
  3. Set up the “real” eye point at the desired position using a gluLookAt command (or something
  4. Reflect the viewing frustum (or the scene) through the plane containing the reflector by computing a reflection matrix and combining it with the current modelview or projectionmatrices
    using the glMultMatrix command.
  5. Draw the scene.
  6. Move the eye point back to its “real” position.

The procedure regarding the second part:
Clear the stencil and depth buffers (glClear(GL COLOR BUFFER BIT |
2. Configure the stencil buffer such that a 1 will be stored at each pixel touched by a polygon:
glStencilFunc(GL_ALWAYS, 1, 1);
3. Disable drawing into the color buffers (glColorMask(0, 0, 0, 0)).

  1. Draw the mirror polygon.
  2. Reconfigure the stencil test:
    glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP);
  3. Draw the scene.
  4. Disable the stencil test (glDisable(GL STENCIL TEST

However, it seems to me that there is no need to place the eye point under water (as in my case, I am doing water reflection) and no calculation on this new eye point of viewing frustum is needed. It seems to me that when I need is to utilize the stencil buffer, and then just draw the objects 2 times…

It seems that the effect is the same…
Could anyone tell me if I have misunderstood anything and do my implementation wrongly?
