3D Mesh based on magnitude

Problem: How to draw a 2D raster as a 3D mesh. Let me explain what I mean by a 3D mesh. Assume I have a 2D array of values that is 100 x 100 in size. Each value in every cell ranges from 0 – 255. 0 being the lowest value with 255 being the highest. Further assume that around the edges of this 2D array all the values are 0 with the value of each cell approaching 255 the closer you get to the center of this 2D array. What I’d like to do is draw a 3D mesh using the magnitude of each cell to determine the Z value of the geometry used to represent the value in a given cell.

Does anyone know of any example code that I can use to learn from, any websites I can read? I’ve had a lot of college math, algebra, trig, multiple calculus classes, etc. I don’t want hand holding, just point me in the right direction.


Would a heightmap terrain do the trick.
In that case just look at these links
These might not tell you exactly how to do it, but you will get the idea.

maybe he mean volume rendering, rendering level surfaces from implicit function ???

i dont know :confused:

did you have a question about opengl ?