how can I set up opengl libary and header file

I already got the glut32.lib and all the opengl libary file and header file. I am using vc++ 5.0 right now.

would anyone tell me how can I set up the all those header file and libary file.

I am new for this field, show please give a more detail for setup, such as which specific directory and so on
Thank you

You should write this line of code at the beginnig of your file:
#include “gl\gl.h”
#include “gl\glu.h”
#include “gl\glaux.h”

And from Project/Settings/Links (it’s the menu of VC6 not 5 but I hope it is the same)
you write: opengl32.lib,glu32.lib, glaux.lib without komma between them. (they are in the lib directory - I hope)
