Again: Creating Screen Savers: How To?

Hello all

I know that this post is redundant but actually becuze I didn’t find a full answer to the subjact i will re-ask the Question again how to make A SCREEN SAVER using GLUT?

for example how to convert this code to a screen saver
#include <GL\glut.h>

void Display(void)
glFlush(); //Finish rendering

void Reshape(int x, int y)
if (y == 0 | | x == 0) return; //Nothing is visible then, so return
//Set a new projection matrix
//Angle of view:40 degrees
//Near clipping plane distance: 0.5
//Far clipping plane distance: 20.0
glViewport(0,0,x,y); //Use the whole window for rendering

int main (int argc, char **argv)
//Initialize GLUT
glutInit(&argc, argv);
glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGB);
//Create a window with rendering context and everything else we need
glutCreateWindow(“First Tutorial”);
//Assign the two used Msg-routines
//Let GLUT get the msgs
return 0;

I wish there r useful answers …

I wouldn’t use glut for a screensaver. You CAN do it, but it’s really ugly. You can just change the name of your .exe to .scr, but you’re also going to have to handle different command-line parameters. It’s much cleaner to use Win32’s screensaver library. I’ve got an Appwizard for VC++ that will setup the screensaver project for you. It doen’t currently initialize OpenGL, so you’ll have to use SetPixelFormat, etc. If you want it, it’s at

Hello there thanx for the fast response
but can u tell me how to export the code i gave into ur project … can u do that for me as an example\ hanx alot

Originally posted by Deiussum:
I wouldn’t use glut for a screensaver. You CAN do it, but it’s really ugly. You can just change the name of your .exe to .scr, but you’re also going to have to handle different command-line parameters. It’s much cleaner to use Win32’s screensaver library. I’ve got an Appwizard for VC++ that will setup the screensaver project for you. It doen’t currently initialize OpenGL, so you’ll have to use SetPixelFormat, etc. If you want it, it’s at

Basically… for the WM_CREATE message you will use ChoosePixelFormat, DescribePixelFormat, and SetPixelFormat. (Not necessarily the BEST way, but probably the easiest way to initialize the window w/o Glut. Check the Nehe tutorials on how to use these.) After initialization, you can call your reshape function. (Or wait for a WM_SIZE message, but since it’s a screensaver, it’s not going to get resized after creation so it works just as well in WM_CREATE.)

In the WM_PAINT message, you can call your display function.

Include the GL/gl.h and GL/glu.h headers (AFTER windows.h), add the opengl32.lib and glu32.lib libraries to the project (Project settings->link->external modules), compile, and you should be ready to go.

[This message has been edited by Deiussum (edited 02-12-2001).]