document for loading and displaying jpg,gif?

i m waiting

Search for DevIL or OpenIL libraries.

Try a google search on the GIF and JPG format.

Also at he has a image loading examples and has written an program that will load just about any image format.

Originally posted by mehdi:
i m waiting

is it also possible to use animated gif’s in OpenG: ?:

Originally posted by GL_ZERO:
is it also possible to use animated gif’s in OpenG: ?:

There’s nothing with animated GIF’s that stops you from displaying them in OpenGL. Just display the different frames at different times. OpenGL doesn’t care (or even know) what the original format was before you decompressed the file to raw data.

Sure you could use animated GIF’s in openGL, just need routine to load it in and write a routine to do the animation.

Originally posted by GL_ZERO:
is it also possible to use animated gif’s in OpenG: ?:

don’t use gif