please help me with making an ASE loader

I am trying to make a 3ds max ase file loader by compareing the actual model (in 3dsmax) with the exported file and guessing what is what.
I made a simple box:

*MESH_VERTEX 0 -12.8154 18.3203 0.0222
*MESH_VERTEX 1 19.9108 18.3203 0.0222
*MESH_VERTEX 2 -12.8154 49.0962 0.0222
*MESH_VERTEX 3 19.9108 49.0962 0.0222
*MESH_VERTEX 4 -12.8154 18.3203 -26.0744
*MESH_VERTEX 5 19.9108 18.3203 -26.0744
*MESH_VERTEX 6 -12.8154 49.0962 -26.0744
*MESH_VERTEX 7 19.9108 49.0962 -26.0744

*MESH_FACE 0: A: 2 B: 0 C: 3 AB: 1 BC: 0 CA: 1 *MESH_SMOOTHING 2 *MESH_MTLID 0

I am guessing A,B,C are 3 vertice which build a triangle and the number behind them are the vertex number listed in MESH_VERTEX.
and AB =1 means a visible segment, 0 invisible. (if i am wrong please tell me)but what are the rest of the line?

But what are those global parameters that appear at the beginning of a GEOMOBJECT?
*NODE_NAME “Box01”
*NODE_NAME “Box01”
*TM_ROW0 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000
*TM_ROW1 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
*TM_ROW2 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000
*TM_ROW3 3.5477 33.7082 0.0222
*TM_POS 3.5477 33.7082 0.0222
*TM_ROTAXIS 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
*TM_SCALE 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
*TM_SCALEAXIS 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

I tried to render it in my code,its size and position look incorrect and strange. I also made a box with a modification(skew) + sphere, its appearance doesn’t make any sense. Anyone be so kind as to help me out? I need to handle this or stuck here.
many thanks

Look at: there is some code for ASE loading.

Thanks, i found what i wanted as you told, now it’s time to understand it.