Stencil doesn't work on nVidia?

recently I made some apps in Visual Basic using OpenGL (W95, S3Trio64). They worked fine, but now with new computer (WinXP and Asus V9520Magic (FX 5200)) I have found, that Stencil doesn’t work properly. On this link
(60kB) you can find source code with two screenshots from both computers. My friend has the same problem with the same configuration.
On ATI it works fine.
Is there problem in graphics card or in my code? I am using standard tutorials…
Thanks you for testing included .exe on you graphics cards and replying the result.

I didnt check your rar file but you must use a 32 bit color depth.

My old card supported 16 bit only and it worked fine… (but I thing it hadn’t hardware support for OpenGL) Now I have tried both modes 16/32 bit without any effect.

Problem is solved!
In definition of PixelFormatDescriptor I must specify StencilBits !!!(pfd.cStencilBits = 1)
With this it works everywhere :slight_smile:

You certainly want to use 8 stencil bits instead of 1. Maybe now you don´t need more, but 8 bits are usually for free, so go get them.
