Ying yang symbol

I’m using turtle graphics to display a ying yang symbol, and while the shape is perfect, I have no clue how to fill in one half of the symbol and one small inner circle as black. Any suggestions? Thanks!

Originally posted by <Andy>:
I’m using turtle graphics to display a ying yang symbol, and while the shape is perfect, I have no clue how to fill in one half of the symbol and one small inner circle as black. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Could you elaborate on what do you mean by turtle graphics?

yeah, News to me too…

Everyone knows logo-turtle, ‘everyone’ started with that before entering Basic, then C… However in those old times, I was really young, and never heard about filling shapes, just turn left 90, go front 120 and so on…

But what’s the link with GL ?

> But what’s the link with GL ?

glVertex2f(0, 0);

// etc.

hey, i think it’s an awesome idea. let’s abandon this triangle rendering malacky in favour of line drawing!


I think that’s an incredible idea, and a promising project :cool: