lame question... where to find glaux.h?

hehe, really lame question…
but just can’t find the glaux.h in any toolkit or whatever… so, where can I get it?

glaux is essentially a dead, Windows-only, static library. Many compilers such as VC++ still come with it, though.

glaux does have a nifty imageloading function to load .BMP’s…

I’m sure you can find it in some demos on NeHe or gametutorials…

Find another way to load bitmaps. In addition to being dead glaux, it is buggy and full of memory leaks. NeHe is doing a disservice to the OpenGL community by promulgating glaux and some one should convince NeHe to remove glaux from all of his programs. For the full story see

I think it’s still in the opengl95.exe in the download sections of, also.