How to make it faster


at the moment I am using GL_TRIANGLES to draw my faces. I read thought the Red Book and found i even can use FANS and STRIPS. But how can I convert a tiangle bases 3D object to a object that is optimized for triangles strips?

My object looks like this:

float x;
float y;
float z;
} veclist;

int a;
int b;
int c;
} face;

int facecount;
face *faces;
veclist *list;
} object;

I even got some more variables (texture, dimension, normal, u, v).

Originally posted by Dominik:
But how can I convert a tiangle bases 3D object to a object that is optimized for triangles strips?

Nvidia have a library for converting triangle objects into triangle strips. It is optimised for GeForce T&L caches but I believe it does not require Nvidia extensions at all.

It is at

fast reply.

thank you!

You can try the “glVertexArray”, “glNormalArray” and “glDrawArrayElement”.