How can i create menu

I want to create two menu’s(color,with 8 colors & tools, with four tools)Just like microsoft paint.So whenever i click the color menu the selection window should pop up so that i can select a color.Same with the tools menu.Could somebody help me with the code please.

It’s not a beginner thing, U need to do everything by yourself.
Just some hints to start from :

Find some examples/docs on BILLBOARDING (it also helps displaying texts).

And find some samples/docs on PICKING.

The rest should come himself, u have the routines to draw rectangles/texts and routines to chek where the user clicked.


Hi I have a sample code for just that copy paste and compile.

have fun Zee

#pragma hdrstop
#include <condefs.h>

#include <windows.h>
#include <glut.h>
/* ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== */


  • A demonstration painting program for IM211 and MA8
  • Based on Interactive Computer Graphics
  • E. Angel
  • Chapter 3 and Appendix A.3
    1. How to set up menus and submenus.
    1. How to set up colours.
    1. How to determine and use the position of the mouse.

void ColourMenu( int id ) ;
void Display ( void ) ;
void DrawSquare( int x, int y ) ;
void FillMenu ( int id ) ;
void Mouse ( int btn, int state, int x, int y ) ;
void MyInit ( void ) ;
int Pick ( int x, int y ) ;
void PixelMenu ( int id ) ;
void Reshape ( int w, int h ) ;
void RightMenu ( int id ) ;
void ScreenBox ( int x, int y, int size ) ;

/* end of function prototypes */

/* global variables */

int fill = 0 ;
GLfloat r = 1.0,
g = 1.0,
b = 1.0 ;
GLfloat size = 3.0 ; /* half side of square /
GLsizei wh = 250 ; /
initial height of window */
GLsizei ww = 250 ;

void ColourMenu( int id ) {

 * sets the red, green, and blue components
 *for the appropriate menu selection.

if ( 1 == id )
	{ r = 1.0 ; g = 0.0 ; b = 0.0 ; }
else if ( 2 == id )
	{ r = 0.0 ; g = 1.0 ; b = 0.0 ; }
else if ( 3 == id )
	{ r = 0.0 ; g = 0.0 ; b = 1.0 ; }
else if ( 4 == id )
	{ r = 0.0 ; g = 1.0 ; b = 1.0 ; }
else if ( 5 == id )
	{ r = 1.0 ; g = 0.0 ; b = 1.0 ; }
else if ( 6 == id )
	{ r = 1.0 ; g = 1.0 ; b = 0.0 ; }
else if ( 7 == id )
	{ r = 1.0 ; g = 1.0 ; b = 1.0 ; }
else if ( 8 == id )
	{ r = 0.0 ; g = 0.0 ; b = 0.0 ; }

} /* end of function ColourMenu */

void Display( void ) {

 * sets up a cleared display window with
 * the tool bar containing icons.

glPushAttrib( GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS ) ;  /* save attributes */

glClearColor( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) ;
glClear     ( GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT ) ;

/* place tool bar */
glColor3f( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ) ;
ScreenBox( 0, wh - ww/10, ww/10 ) ;

glColor3f( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) ;
ScreenBox( ww/10, wh - ww/10, ww/10 ) ;

glColor3f( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ) ;
ScreenBox( ww/5, wh - ww/10, ww/10 ) ;

glColor3f( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) ;
ScreenBox( 3*ww/10, wh - ww/10, ww/10 ) ;

/* place icons */
glColor3f( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) ;
ScreenBox( ww/10 + ww/40, wh - ww/10 + ww/40, ww/20 ) ;

glBegin( GL_LINES ) ;
	glVertex2i( wh/40, wh - ww/20 ) ;
	glVertex2i( wh/40 + ww/20, wh - ww/20 ) ;
glEnd() ;

glBegin( GL_TRIANGLES ) ;
	glVertex2i( ww/5 + ww/40  , wh - ww/10 + ww/40 ) ;
	glVertex2i( ww/5 + ww/20  , wh - ww/40         ) ;
	glVertex2i( ww/5 + 3*ww/40, wh - ww/10 + ww/40 ) ;
glEnd() ;

glPointSize( 5.0 ) ;
glBegin( GL_POINTS ) ;
	glVertex2i( 3*ww/10 + ww/20, wh - ww/20 ) ;
glEnd() ;

glFlush() ;

glPopAttrib() ;  /* restore attributes */

} /* end of function Display */

void DrawSquare( int x, int y ) {

 * draws a square using a randomly chosen colour.

y = wh - y ;
glColor3ub( (GLubyte)rand()%256,
		    (GLubyte)rand()%256 ) ;

glBegin( GL_POLYGON ) ;
	glVertex2f( x + size, y + size ) ;
	glVertex2f( x - size, y + size ) ;
	glVertex2f( x - size, y - size ) ;
	glVertex2f( x + size, y - size ) ;
glEnd() ;
glFlush() ;

} /* end of function DrawSquare */

void FillMenu( int id ) {

 *sets the global fill flag.

if ( 1 == id )
	fill = 1 ;
else if ( 2 == id )
	fill = 0 ;

} /* end of function FillMenu */

void Mouse( int btn, int state, int x, int y ) {

 * determines the action to be taken based on the
 * position of the mouse.
 * drawMode identifies the tool chosen
 * 1 = line, 2 = square, 3 = triangle, 4 = pixel
 * count marks the number of points already chosen
 * in specifying a square, triangle, etc.

static int count ;
static int drawMode = 0 ;
static int xp[2], yp[2] ;

int where ;

if( GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON == btn && GLUT_DOWN == state ) {
	glPushAttrib( GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS ) ;

	where = Pick( x, y ) ;
	glColor3f( r, g, b ) ;

	if ( where != 0 ) {
		count    = 0 ;
		drawMode = where ;
	else if ( 1 == drawMode && 0 == count ) {
		count = 1 ;
		xp[0] = x ;
		yp[0] = y ;
	else if ( 1 == drawMode && 0 != count ) {
		glBegin( GL_LINES ) ;
			glVertex2i( x    , wh - y     ) ;
			glVertex2i( xp[0], wh - yp[0] ) ;
		glEnd() ;
		count    = 0 ;
		drawMode = 0 ;
	else if ( 2 == drawMode && 0 == count ) {
		count = 1 ;
		xp[0] = x ;
		yp[0] = y ;
	else if ( 2 == drawMode && 0 != count ) {
		if ( fill )
			glBegin( GL_POLYGON ) ;
			glBegin( GL_LINE_LOOP ) ;

		glVertex2i( x    , wh - y ) ;
		glVertex2i( x    , wh - yp[0] ) ;
		glVertex2i( xp[0], wh - yp[0] ) ;
		glVertex2i( xp[0], wh - y     ) ;
		glEnd() ;
		count    = 0 ;
		drawMode = 0 ;
	else if ( 3 == drawMode && 0 == count ) {
		count = 1 ;
		xp[0] = x ;
		yp[0] = y ;
	else if ( 3 == drawMode && 1 == count ) {
		count = 2 ;
		xp[1] = x ;
		yp[1] = y ;
	else if ( 3 == drawMode && 2 == count ) {
		if ( fill )
			glBegin( GL_POLYGON ) ;
			glBegin( GL_LINE_LOOP ) ;

		glVertex2i( xp[0], wh - yp[0] ) ;
		glVertex2i( xp[1], wh - yp[1] ) ;
		glVertex2i( x    , wh - y     ) ;
		glEnd() ;
		count    = 0 ;
		drawMode = 0 ;
	else if ( 4 == drawMode ) {
		DrawSquare( x, y ) ;

	glFlush() ;
	glPopAttrib() ;


} /* end of function Mouse */

void MyInit( void ) {

glViewport( 0, 0, ww, wh ) ;

glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION ) ;
glLoadIdentity() ;
gluOrtho2D( 0.0, (GLdouble)ww, 0.0, (GLdouble)wh ) ;

glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW ) ;
glLoadIdentity() ;

glClearColor( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) ;

glFlush() ;

} /* end of function MyInit */

int Pick ( int x, int y ) {

 * returns token picked by mouse.
 * 0 =&gt; no selection
 * 1 - 4 identify the tools from left to right.

y = wh - y ;
if ( y &lt; wh - ww/10 )
    return 0 ;
else if ( x &lt; ww/10 )
    return 1 ;
else if ( x &lt; ww/5 )
    return 2 ;
else if ( x &lt; 3*ww/10 )
    return 3 ;
else if ( x &lt; 2*ww/5 )
    return 4 ;
    return 0 ;

} /* end of function Pick */

void PixelMenu( int id ) {

if ( 1 == id )
	size = size * 2.0 ;
else if ( 2 == id )
	size = size / 2.0 ;

} /* end of function PixelMenu */

void Reshape( int w, int h ) {

glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION ) ;
glLoadIdentity() ;
gluOrtho2D( 0.0, (GLdouble)w, 0.0, (GLdouble)h ) ;

glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW ) ;
glLoadIdentity() ;

glViewport( 0, 0, w, h ) ;
glClearColor( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ) ;

glFlush() ;

wh = h ;
ww = w ;

} /* end of function Reshape */

void RightMenu( int id ) {

if( 1 == id )
	exit( 0 ) ;
else if ( 2 == id )
	glutPostRedisplay() ;

} /* end of function RightMenu */

void ScreenBox( int x, int y, int size ) {

glBegin( GL_POLYGON ) ;
	glVertex2i( x       , y        ) ;
	glVertex2i( x + size, y        ) ;
	glVertex2i( x + size, y + size ) ;
	glVertex2i( x       , y + size ) ;
glEnd() ;

} /* end of function ScreenBox */

#pragma argsused
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int cMenu ; // handle for colour menu
int pMenu ;
int fMenu ;

glutInit               ( &argc, argv ) ;
glutInitDisplayMode    ( GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGB ) ;
glutInitWindowSize     ( ww, wh ) ;
glutInitWindowPosition ( 50, 50 ) ;
glutCreateWindow       ( "Graphic Paint" ) ;

glutDisplayFunc        ( Display ) ;

cMenu = glutCreateMenu( ColourMenu ) ;
glutAddMenuEntry( "Red"     , 1 ) ;
glutAddMenuEntry( "Green"   , 2 ) ;
glutAddMenuEntry( "Blue"    , 3 ) ;
glutAddMenuEntry( "Cyan"    , 4 ) ;
glutAddMenuEntry( "Magenta" , 5 ) ;
glutAddMenuEntry( "Yellow"  , 6 ) ;
glutAddMenuEntry( "White"   , 7 ) ;
glutAddMenuEntry( "Black"   , 8 ) ;

pMenu = glutCreateMenu( PixelMenu ) ;
glutAddMenuEntry( "Increase size", 1 ) ;
glutAddMenuEntry( "Decrease size", 2 ) ;

fMenu = glutCreateMenu( FillMenu ) ;
glutAddMenuEntry( "Fill on"  , 1 ) ;
glutAddMenuEntry( "Fill off" , 2 ) ;

glutCreateMenu( RightMenu ) ;
glutAddMenuEntry( "Quit"  , 1 ) ;
glutAddMenuEntry( "Clear" , 2 ) ;
glutAddSubMenu( "Colours"    , cMenu ) ;
glutAddSubMenu( "Pixel size" , pMenu ) ;
glutAddSubMenu( "Fill"       , fMenu ) ;
glutAttachMenu( GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON ) ;

MyInit() ;

glutReshapeFunc ( Reshape ) ;
glutMouseFunc   ( Mouse ) ;

glutMainLoop() ;

return 0;



It was done in borland C++
u may have to modify abit.