Can I compile glDrawPixel into display list? Will it improve perfomance?

Can I compile glDrawPixel into display list? Will it improve perfomance?

DrawPixel is about as slow as it gets, no matter how you slice it. what are you trying to do?

Sorry, the answer to you question is yes, you can use them in display lists (not that you’d want to) :slight_smile: .

It’s certainly possible since it would enable the pixel data to be stored in server memory. To make DrawPixles fast, make sure you disable all relevant state that prohibits a straight blit, depth testing, blending, depth write and the like. Try different state setups and see what is fast on your hardware. It might also be good to store the source data in BGRA format, although there is no reason that this would help if you put the call in a display list.

In general, textured quads are better supported and fast on most hardware.