Changing Elevation

OK here goes, right now I have a small engine which allows you t move forward, back
turn around ect. Now lets say my world which I am walking through is flat, then this is fine. However when the elevation changes ( + or - on the y-axis) I would keep moving straigh through midair. How would I be able to make the program know the elvation and change so when I walked formard on a slope I would go down aswell?

Exactly how is dependent on the structure of your engine and preference. But in the most general terms, you need to implement gravity and collision detection.

Assuming you have a landscape or whatever made of triangles. your current x/z position should point you at the triangle you are on. (cell)

Solve the plane equation for the point that you’re standing on.

The plane equation is (x)nx + (y)ny + (z)nz + c = 0.

{nx, ny, nz} is the plane normal of the current cell.

c is a constant offset which can be solved by plugging in
the coordinates of one of the corner points of the cell.

Your current position on the map is {x,z} solve for y.

In pseudocode:

// Get my current position on the map
pos = {something};

// Figure out the current cell I’m standing in
cell = FindCell(pos);

// Get the plane normal of the cell or triangle
normal = cell.normal;

// Get one of the corner points of the cell
point = cell.point(1);

// Solve for c, the plane equation offset
c = normal.x * point.x + normal.y * point.y + normal.z * point.z;

// Now solve for the y component of my position
pos.y = (c - normal.x * pos.x - normal.z * pos.z) / normal.y;

You should be able to accomplish this just by using glRotate* and glTranslate*. I had to write a program where the object coordinates had to stick to the object when I was rotating it. At one point I got it so that if you moved the x-axis to any orientation, a translation in x direction would move the object in that direction.

Try this (I’m not sure if it works).

Apply your rotation and save it in a matrix.
Load your matrix just before you do translation and then translate it and save the matrix…

if this doesn’t work, just play with it, I am 100% sure my program was working this way (but it wasn’t meant to do so).


I am trying to do the same thing and am having trouble aswell.
Dans could you explain your way a bit more or if you have or know where i could get a sample of it tell me please.
thanks alot