Texture Mapping

What i seen most of Texture mapping in opengl samples even in NeHe tutorial,use the bitmap having the pixel lenght 64,128,256.
Now please tell me how i map the bitmap other than this dimension ?

Once again, don’t crosspost…

Now, to answer your question: without extensions, OpenGL wants dimensions that are a power of 2 so you HAVE to use bitmaps of dimensions 64,128,256,…

Now, if you want to use another dimension, find the rectangle that has dimensions as powers of 2 that encloses your bitmap. Then calculate the proper texture coordinates for your object…

Does that make sense ?



Make an empty texture with the power of two dimensions enclosing the original texture:
glTexImage2D(…, 0);
Then call glTexSubImage2D(…, bitmapdata)
and calculate the texcoords as Eric suggested to render the bitmap.
