multi sectors and portals?


I have been going thru the tutorials at nehe and have a couple of questions to do with Lesson 10 which is Loading And Moving Through A 3D World. The guy who wrote the tutorial mentioned multi sector engines and also portals. Could someone possibly explain what these things mean please.
thanks a lot

Gareth James

The reason for sectors is that the larger the area you have in your world the more memory it will take to store it. If you take your world and divid it into sectors, then you only work with the sectors of the world you are in at that moment. The saves time in processing the world and memory needed.

A portal is like an opening into a sector that could be many sectors away. The idea is that even though your in sector ‘A’, when looking through the portal you can also see the sector ‘X’.
So you are rendering to non-connecting sectors together. I hope that makes sense.

Originally posted by dfanuk:

I have been going thru the tutorials at nehe and have a couple of questions to do with Lesson 10 which is Loading And Moving Through A 3D World. The guy who wrote the tutorial mentioned multi sector engines and also portals. Could someone possibly explain what these things mean please.
thanks a lot

Gareth James