translucent texture and white background


I’ve a little problem. I try to make a white
background white translucent texture squares on it. But il don’t run. All the screen
is white.
I can’t see anything except the white background. And I don’t understand anything else about glBlendFunc (param1, param2);

Please help me…

>I try to make a white background white >translucent texture squares on it. But il >don’t run. All the screen is white.

when you have a white background with white squares it doesn’t matter how translucent they are…everything is white of course !!

Sorry for my bad english,

I make a mistake.
I have a white background and i want to put
colored textured squares on it.
So what is the glBlendFunc i have to use ?

Someone can help me , please ?

I’m not sureI get what you mean, but… you have a white background and you want to draw a textured quad over this? Well, just draw the textured quad and forget about blending, cause it’s not needed.

>So what is the glBlendFunc i have to use ?

for transparency usually use

I hope that works

Thank you for your answer,

all is ok. I have my tranlucent squares
on my white background.

Thanx again…