Triangle strips

Let’s say I want to draw a grid of triangles in strips.

Conventionally what is the fastest way to do this? I notice that (by default) triangles in a strip must be defined in a counterclockwise fashion. So when I get to the end of the strip I have some fudging to do. I have seen people “null” a position at the end, and start back at column one. I’ve also seen comments saying to drawn in both directions (left to right then right to left).

Any tips?

use glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); and put the vertexes in this order:

2 4 7 8 10
|\ |\ |\ |\ |
| \ | \ | \ | \ |
| | | | |
1 3 5 7 9

Sorry, It is all messed up. Go to the editing screen (not that it matters much)

[This message has been edited by smart_idiot (edited 11-13-2000).]