setPixelFormat not found

Hi Everybody

Sorry my bad english.

I starting with openGL with BCC 5.5.
When I run the program, the opengl.dll not found. I copied the opengl32.dll to opengl.dll. When I run the program, the message “SetPixelFormat not found in opengl.dll”.

Any Idea?


Alan Candido

SetPixelFormat is part of WGL. You must #include <wingdi.h>. Not sure why you renamed opengl32.dll though… just tell the compiler to look for opengl32.dll instead of opengl.dll.

If I remember correct, SGI’s old OpenGL software implementation was named opengl.dll, make sure you use opengl32.lib when you link it and SetPixelFormat is not in the opengl dll it’s in gdi32.dll/lib

If you have an old sgi import library (opengl.lib) you should not use it, just change to opengl32.lib instead.
