Restarting after Uninstalling OpenGL

I recently uninstalled OpenGL. I installed it a month ago, but wanted to uninstall to free up more space on the hard drive. Now, every time I start up my computer I get an error message which reads “A required.DLLfile, ATIHT.DLL, was not found.” I click “ok” and the box will go away, but is there any way to eliminate that error message every time I start up my system? I operate on Windows '98.

I do not think that you can uninstall OpenGL on Windows. It is a part of the OS.

It seems like you have uninstalled some drivers. Sure, you can free up memory by uninstalling the drivers and use a standard VGA driver. After that do you have something like 640x480 in 256 colors.

OpenGL was not a part of the OS when I purchased the computer. I installed it directly off the website a few months ago and just recently uninstalled it. I never got this error message during startup until after uninstalling OpenGL. I’m sure one remedy is to simply re-install OpenGL, but I prefer not to. Any other ideas?