questions for visual basic

Q1. a.What are the different ways to start a Visul Basic application?
b.What is an IDE?
c.What are properties,events and methods?

Q.2 .a. What are the advantages of using coding conventions?
b.Distinguish between determinate and indeterminate loops with example?

Q.3 What are the data types in Visual Basic?

Q.4 Why do we make comments on the program?Comment each line of the following program and give the program output.
Option Explicit
Dim number()
Dim big As Integer
Dim cnt As Integer

        Private Sub CmdClick_Click()
        big= number(0)
        For cnt=1To4 
        If big<number(cnt)Then
        big =number(cnt)
        End If
        Next cnt
        LblNumbers=number(0)&","& number(1)&","& number(2)&","& number(3))&","& number(4)

        End Sub

Q5. Explain the most common events in programming in Visual Basic associeted with
a. Mouse
b. Keyboard

Q6. Why dont you do your homework yourself?

Besides, your are asking at the wrong place anyway.

Originally posted by Your teacher:
[b]Q6. Why dont you do your homework yourself?

Besides, your are asking at the wrong place anyway.[/b]