Possible OpenGL Issues Fix

I had all the same OpenGL issues that I read about here and on countless other boards. If I ever see the words “Could Not Load OpenGL Subsystem” on my PC ever again, I will puke. And looking at the entire WIN.INI file for an entry I don’t have was no picnic.

I tried everything, and this is what worked…but keep in mind I’m using Windows98 and GeForce 2 MX400.

Either use you Windows installation disk or download OpenGL95.exe from this link, and put it in your Windows/System folder and extract the files:

Also, I reinstalled my video card drivers. If you are using GeForce like I am, pay attention to the warnings to download WITHOUT using an accelerator. Also, disable your virus protection programs when installing the drivers.

I don’t know if both of these steps are necessary or not, but I did both and all my OpenGL games are running great now. I think when I replaced video cards and drivers, it removed some of the OpenGL libraries from my system.

Trust me, I know how frustrating it is trying all the fixes to this problem. Please reply to this post and let me know if it helped.

do u have to put opengl in a specific spot, and how do u disable anti-virus, im telling u this without looking for the answer, ill prolly figure out how to disable virus protection but does opengl need to go to a specific spot?

Put the OpenGL95.exe file in the System folder under Windows. If you extract in when it’s in that folder, the files will be copied into that folder.

For the antivirus, I right clicked and checked Disable.

Good luck, and let me know how it goes.

well no it didn’t work, i was installing the driver again this time with GlSetup, and which at the very end it said, “GlSetup has successfully installing OpenGL drivers on your computer” well i saw bull****, sorry, but i had to say it, no where do i have opengl unless there’s a trick, do u know what i have to do, or am i screwed?

oops i mean, successfully installed, not installing dont want u confused b/c i just want to straighten this up once and for all…

Just to check…you put OpenGL95.exe in the Systems folder in the Windows directory, and then double clicked it to extract the files? It should extract a few OpenGL files right into the folder that OpenGL95.exe is in.

yep it did that, but i see no change in my controls,…