Good way to learn Opengl 4.3 for game design on multi platforms using c++?

hi i’d like to learn the latest opengl so i can use it too design games, but id also like to save myself the task of learning java and or multiple api’s for each operating system so i was wondering if there was an (almost) universal api that i could learn as well

i just need somebody to set me on the right track, I dont like watching tutorials on youtube because it runs my internet really high, but can anyone recommend a good site or give my some tips? i use visual studio express 2012

OpenGL 4.3 is not fundamentally different from previous versions (well, since 3.0), so material that applies to OpenGL 3.0 is not necessarily outdated, it just may not contain the very latest features (which tend to be not critical to a beginner). See the OpenGL wiki for a list of links to tutorials (towards the bottom of the page).
While OpenGL itself is independent from the OS you are on, creation of an OpenGL context is platform specific - there are libraries that take care of it though and the wiki has instructions if you really want to roll your own.
Also not that game design is a different activity than graphics programming, they are related and sometimes done by the same person, but have quite different focus.

i already read through the wiki a bit but didnt get this part at all

If you are using C/C++, then you must first set up a build environment (Visual Studio project, GNU makefile, CMake file, etc) that can link to OpenGL. Under Windows, you need to statically link to a library called OpenGL32.lib (note that you still link to OpenGL32.lib if you’re building a 64-bit executable. The “32” part is meaningless). Visual Studio, and most Windows compilers, come with this library.

i already read through the wiki a bit but didnt get this part at all

How do you build your C or C++ applications currently? That’s what it’s saying: if you want to use OpenGL with C/C++, you must be able to use C/C++.

That may sound obvious but believe me, it needs to be there.

And if you’re not at the point where you have a functioning C/C++ build environment, then you aren’t ready to learn OpenGL yet. Or game development in C/C++.

Consider buying this book, it’s due for release Friday. I have read a pre release version of this book, it was feature complete, the book is very good, and doesn’t have the problems the last generation of openGL books did. ( such as covering depreciated material, or covering an authors wrapper ).

OpenGL Programming Guide: The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL, Version 4.3 (8th Edition)

You can find it on amazon as well as informit.

[QUOTE=pwnstar23;1249112]Consider buying this book, it’s due for release Friday. I have read a pre release version of this book, it was feature complete, the book is very good, and doesn’t have the problems the last generation of openGL books did. ( such as covering depreciated material, or covering an authors wrapper ).

OpenGL Programming Guide: The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL, Version 4.3 (8th Edition)

You can find it on amazon as well as informit.[/QUOTE]

Yeah. That book is now out on Informit and will be out on Amazon in a week.
