Manually computed FragCoord wrong? (small error)

Hi all - i hope you can help me again :wink:

I am trying to manually compute gl_FragCoord to do a lookup in a depth texture. I want to do this manually since i later need to alter gl_Position in the vertex shader but still want to perform depth lookup at the old fragment position. (its a gpgpu combined with normal pipeline thingā€¦).

Ok, here is what i doin the VS:

varying vec4 myPos;

void main( void )
gl_Position = ftransform(); //changed later

and in the FS:

uniform vec2 viewportSize; // size of viewport in pixels

varying vec4 myPos;

void main( void ) {
vec4 myFragCoord;
myFragCoord.xy = (0.5+(0.5*p.xy/p.w))viewportSize;
myFragCoord.z = 0.5+(0.5
myFragCoord.w = 1.0/p.w;

Unfortunately my computed myFragCoord slightly differs from the true one. For example, when rendering a plane slightly inclined in z direction (viewing direction), i get for some fragment

gl_FragCoord = [ 8.5, 8.5, 0.999943077564239501953125, 0.005894298665225505828857421875]
myFragCoord = [ 8.50000762939453125, 8.50000762939453125, 0.9999430179595947265625, 0.005894298665225505828857421875]

The w component is ok, but not xyz. Why is that? (drives me crazy all day since i cannot perform depth comparison with these deviationsā€¦)

Note: i also read this post but i donā€™t understand the part of ā€œinterpolating w_clip after division, e.g. gl_FragCoord.w=(1/w_c)_iā€ -> this seems no good idea and doesnā€™t work for me - or am i missing

gl_FragCoord.xy is always ā€œfloor(coord)+0.5ā€ .
But generally those errors you meet are precision-errors.

Is this ā€œfloor(coord)+0.5ā€ somewhere in the specs or is it just a usual thing to do to cut off the floating point error?

I think you may be right saying this is in the range of floating point precision error. Still, iā€™d like to know if my implementation is the best way to emulate gl_FragCoord or if there is a better way in the sense of beeing closer to the spec or resulting in greater numerical stability and less error ā€¦?

(just to think it through to the end and then get rid of this topic once and for all in my head ā€¦ to make room for more problems to solve that will most likely appear out of nowhere once this one is out :wink: )

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